Welcome Back Mustangs!
Wednesday, August 9, 2017 is the first day of school for Eleanor Roosevelt High School (ERHS) and the Staff are very excited to see their Mustang Students! ERHS would like to thank all the students and parents that attended Registration. The Staff at ERHS greatly appreciate the support and assistance with getting students ready to start the new school year. For your knowledge, it is an ODD Day Homeroom Schedule, therefore ERHS wants their students to please report to their first period class.
Here is some information about the first day of school procedures:
START TIME: There will be NO LATE START Wednesday. School will begin at 7:40 AM on Wednesday, August 9, 2017. All students (eSTEM and non-STEM) with a zero period will begin school at 6:38 AM on Wednesday, August 9, 2017. Please leave your house early to avoid traffic and being tardy. For the first two days of school, ERHS will be following a modified Homeroom Bell Schedule: Copy of First Day of School Homeroom Bell Schedule.xlsx
STUDENT DROP OFF/PICK UP: To assist with creating a smooth and stress free morning and afternoon, the first few days of school, ERHS strongly encourages everyone to review the traffic map on their ERHS website at www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/erhs (under "Traffic Flow Map"). Please make sure to read over the map for drop off and pick up locations. ERHS recommends that you drop off and pick up your children early the first week of school to avoid the high traffic volumes.
SCHEDULES: As a reminder, ERHS does NOT print out student schedules. Click How to Access Your Schedule 2017.docx, so that students can access their schedule. Schedules will be live and available on Student Connect - Monday, August 7th at 5:00 PM. Please have students log into their account to access their schedule for the first day of school. Students need to take a picture/screenshot or email it to themselves so that they can be ready to report to their first class on time. If their password does not work or they do not have access to a digital device, they can go to their AP/Counselor office to receive their schedule on the first day of school.
LUNCH: There will be no off-campus lunch permits issued during the first two weeks of school. Although lunch service is planned to accommodate the entire student body, ERHS encourage students to bring their own lunches to avoid long lines for the first two weeks until off-campus permits are issued to the upper classmen who qualify.
Stay Safe and review the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Traffic Safety Brochure!
Welcome back Mustangs! Have a great school year!!