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Notice of Application for a Permit to Construct for the Circle City Substation and Mira Loma-Jefferson 66 kV Sub-transmission Line Project
On December 4, 2015, Southern California Edison (SCE) filed an Application for a Permit to Construct for Circle City Substation and Mira Loma-Jefferson 66 kV Subtransmission Line Project with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The proposed project is described in the below Notice of Application for a Permit to Construct.
Please note there are multiple route alternatives, some of which are underground options.The project route will ultimately be determined by the CPUC through the regulatory review process, which is a multi-year process with additional opportunities for public input. Click here for a editable letter of support for undergrounding.
Mayor Ike Bootsma has written a letter to SCE and the CPUC which expresses a desire for the project to be undergrounded within the City's boundaries. Click here to view the City's letter.
Pursuant to the CPUC General Order 131-D, SCE is required to notify residents within ten (10) days of filing that it has filed such application.
Additional Information:
- SCE Notice of Application for Permit to Construct and Map
- SCE Courtesy Letter Dated November 20, 2015
- Visual Simulations of Project Area
- Project Summary/Overview
- CPUC Transmission Siting Process
For additional information visit the project's website,
Proposed Project: Southern California Edison Company (SCE) has filed a Permit to Construct Application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to construct the Circle City and Mira Loma-Jefferson 66 kV Subtransmission Project (Proposed Project). The purpose of the Proposed Project is 1) serve current and long-term peak electrical demand requirements in the ENA as soon as possible after receipt of applicable permits; 2) enhance electrical system reliability by adding transformation and circuitry to serve increased electrical demand and by increasing operational flexibility; 3) construct the new electrical facilities in close proximity to the electrical demand to effectively and efficiently serve the ENA; 4) meet the Proposed Project need while minimizing environmental impacts; 4) meet the Proposed Project need in a cost-effective manner; and 5) design and construct the Proposed Project in conformance with SCE's current engineering, design, and construction standards for substation, transmission, subtransmission, and distribution system projects.
Project Description: The Proposed Project is located in portions of northwestern Riverside County, including the cities of Corona, Eastvale, and Norco; and in portions of San Bernardino County, including the cities of Chino and Ontario.
The Proposed Project consists of the following major components:
- Construction of a new 66/12 kilovolt (kV) substation (Circle City Substation). Circle City Substation would be an unstaffed, automated low profile 56 megavolt-ampere (MVA) substation with a potential capacity of 112 MVA at final build out.
- Construction of four new 66 kV subtransmission source lines, including:
- Two source lines in a double-circuit configuration, which would be a combination of overhead and underground construction.' Each would be approximately 1.2 miles in length and would be created by connecting to the existing Chase-Corona-Databank 66 kV Subtransmission Line to form the new Circle City-Corona No. 2 66 kV Subtransmission Line and the new Chase-Circle City-Databank 66 kV Subtransmission Line.
- Two source lines in a double-circuit configuration, which would be constructed overhead. Each would be approximately 3.5 miles in length and would be created by connecting to the existing Mira Lorna-Corona Pedley 66 kV Subtransmission Line to form the Mira Loma-Circle City-Pedley and the Circle City-Corona No. 1 66 kV Subtransmission Lines.
- Construction of a new 66 kV subtransmission line, which would be a combination of both overhead and underground construction. The proposed Mira Loma-Jefferson 66 kV Subtransmission Line would be approximately 10.9 miles in length and would be constructed from SCE's existing Mira Loma 220/66 kV Substation to a location adjacent to SCE's existing Corona 66/12 kV Substation.
- Upgrade Mira Loma Substation to accommodate the new Mira Loma-Jefferson 66 kV Subtransrnission Line.
- Construction of approximately six new underground 12 kV distribution getaways.
- Relocation of approximately 1.9 miles of an existing overhead 33 kV distribution line to a new underground duct bank . Installation of telecommunications facilities to connect the Proposed Project to SCE's existing telecommunicationssystem.
Construction is anticipated to begin in the third quarter of 2019 and is planned to be operational by the second quarter of 2021.
Electric and Magnetic Fields {EMF) Compliance: The CPUC requires utilities to employ "no-cost" and "low-cost"measures to reduce public exposure to magnetic fields. In accordance with "EMF Design Guidelines" (Decisions 93-11- 013 and 06-01-042.), the Proposed Project would implement a combination of the following measures:
- Utilize subtransmission structure heights that meet or exceed SCE's preferred EMF design criteria
- Utilize subtransmission line construction that reduces spacing between conductors compared with other designs
- Utilize double-circuit construction that reduces spacing between circuits compared with single-circuit construction
- Arrange conductors of proposed subtransmission line for magnetic field reduction
- Utilize underground subtransmission construction for engineering reasons
- Arrange underground cables of proposed subtransmission line for magnetic field reduction
- Place major substation electrical equipment (such as transformers, switchracks, buses and underground ductbanks) away from the substation property lines
Environmental Review: SCE has prepared a Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA) of potential environmental impacts created by the construction and operation of the Proposed Project. The PEA concludes that with the implementation of Applicant-Proposed Measures (APMs), the majority of the potential significant environmental effects associated with the Proposed Project would be reduced to less than significant levels. However, impacts to Air Quality are expected to be significant and unavoidable.
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CPUC's Energy Division will conduct an independentreview of the proposed project's environmental impacts. Depending on the results of its review, the Energy Division will issue a Negative Declaration that the proposed project will not result in any significant environmental impacts, or an environmental impact report (EIR) identifying the significant environmental impacts and mitigation measures and alternatives to avoid or reduce them.
Public Participation:
- The public may participate in the environmental review by submitting comments on the Notice of Intent to Approve a Negative Declaration, or on the Notice of Preparation of EIR and draft ElR, and by participating in any scoping meetings or public meetings that may be conducted. For information on the environmental review, contact the CPUC's Energy division at or (415)703-2126.
- Persons wishing to present testimony in evidentiary hearings and/or legal briefing on all other issues, including project need and cost, EMF compliance; and, if one is prepared, whether the EIR complies with CEQA, require party status. Persons may obtain party status by filing a protest to the application by January 4, 2016, in compliance with Rule 2.6, or by making a motion for party status at any time in compliance with Rule 1.4, of the CPUC's Rules of Public Participation: Practice and Procedure (posted at
- The public may communicate their views regarding the application by writing to the CPUC at 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102, or by emailing the Public Advisor at In addition, the CPUC may, at its discretion, hold a public participation hearing in order to take oral public comment.
Document Subscription Service: The CPUC's free online subscription service sends subscribers an email notification when any document meeting their subscription criteria is published on the CPUC's website, such as documents filed in a CPUC proceeding (e.g., notices of hearings, rulings, briefs and decisions), To sign up to receive notification of documents filed in this proceeding (or other CPUC matters), visit
Contacts: For assistance from the CPUC, please contact the Public Advisor's Office, Telephone: (866) 849-8390 or (415) 703-2074, TTY (866) 836-7825. Email: The Los Angeles CPUC Office general information telephone: (866) 849-8390 or (213) 576-7000, General fax number: (213) 576-7007.
To review a copy of SCE's application, or to request further information about the proposed project, please contact SCE's Engagement Team at (866) 464-2005 and select Option 1. You can also visit the Project website at
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